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Erik Cole Gavin Aston George Kousoulis Jake Demos

After making it to the top 5 of 50 stores in the Asia/Pacific Region for our Vans 5050 video entry, we set off to Shanghai for 4 days of ruckus.
Our good mates from Geelong took out first place, but with $1 longnecks & being able to skate perfect marble anywhere you want, everyone was a winner.
Gav, Zoolz & Erik collecting the runner up winnings.  The 36 degree heat didn't stop Erik from looking sharp in his new tracksuit.  Fashion over function.
Battling the heat on the streets after breakfast.
Big Daddy Demos hopping poles around the corner from the hotel
Zoolz copped 2nd in the mini ramp comp, endless funds for rum-filled coconuts 
Erik snatching some money during the 'Best Trick' comp with this upside down durry burner
And why not end the night with a De La Soul concert?
Overall it was one hell of a few days.  Big thanks to Andrew Mapstone & Vans Australia for everything.  See you next time Shangers! 

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